*Sponsored post: Radiant Health*
Current research shows that 70% of consumers are bothered by fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area. The delicate tissue around the eye area is one of the first areas to show signs of ageing, hence the increase in the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles in that area.
The challenge of treating fine lines and wrinkles in the eye area is that the skin is delicate and sometimes “hard to reach” which can perpetuate several concerns like skin laxity. However, there is a new, non-surgical solution on the market called the ENDYeye by Endymed.
Endymed uses the patented 3Deep Focused Radio Frequency technology that delivers energy to the skin to stimulate collagen production for an instant lift.
In the Endymed stable there are three different, powerful applicators available to treat fine lines and wrinkles namely:
- the iFine applicator
- the FSR which is Fractional Skin Resurfacing and
- the Intensif applicator which is Microneedling combined with Radio Frequency. One of the other big advantages is that Radio Frequency is colour-blind and therefore safe for all skin types.
iFine applicator
The iFine applicator uses 3Deep Focused RF and one can treat all areas around the eyes in just 2 minutes. The clinical indication of the iFine applicator is skin tightening and lifting and is very effective for the “hard to reach” areas.
The 2nd Applicator available in the stable is the FSR applicator which is 3Deep Fractional Skin Resurfacing for minimal ablation of the epidermis for skin rejuvenation and the overall glow effect.
Intensif applicator
The last applicator is the Intensif applicator which is Microneedling combined with Radio Frequency that creates a localized micro-injury that generates skin remodelling and collagen remodelling. This is very effective for treating the fat pads at the intra oribital area.
Ultimate, non-surgical – eye lift delivers outstanding, eye-opening results using a combination of two clinically – proven Endymed treatments: Skin Tightening & Lifting with Skin resurfacing & tightening.
Aesthetic treatments are trending more towards non-invasive solutions as a safer and more convenient alternative, and patients dealing with sagging skin and wrinkles are looking for effective, consistent, and fast treatments with no downtime. ENDYMED’s facial tightening treatments provide effective collagen remodelling, rebuilding the collagen building blocks in the skin, and are suitable for all facial areas – cheeks, forehead, EYES, mouth, and jawline.
- FYI we can treat the whole body.
- The perfect non-surgical eyelift solution.
- The periorbital area is one of the first areas to show signs of ageing; laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles.
- Treatment options are limited, due to the delicate nature of the skin in this area and safety concerns related to proximity to the eyeball.
Blepharoplasty, whilst still being one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures, is not an option for many patients due to cost, risks associated with general anaesthesia, risks of scarring, and the post-operative recovery period.
Non-surgical options such as botulinum toxin and dermal fillers can be effective in the right hands.
Recently I had the privilege of using a one-of-a-kind RF, a unique RF in my case, EndyMed 3DEEP to carry out a non-surgical eyelift.
With promising results and a high safety profile, this procedure has been termed the ‘EndyBleph’.
RF has been found to be effective in the safe delivery of energy into the skin, independent of skin colour.
Completely safe on all Fitzpatrick skin types- how amazing- it’s not chromophore dependant like light-based devices.
Endymed Skin Tightening is a revolutionary new radio frequency treatment designed to penetrate deep into the skin to naturally stimulate collagen and elastin production for a significantly smoother and tighter appearance.
The Endybleph is a combination of both Radiofrequency and Fractional Radiofrequency. Radiofrequency safely and effectively delivers energy to the skin which causes a gentle build-up of heat. This induces an immediate contraction of collagen (an ‘instant lift’) and stimulates natural wound healing, resulting in the formation of new collagen. Radiofrequency leads to improvements in the skin structure and tightening of lax and sagging skin. Fractional Radiofrequency can be implemented for skin resurfacing. The treatment allows safe and effective treatment of the delicate eye area, reducing eye bags and tightening and lifting the upper eyelid. There is minimal downtime and discomfort involved with this treatment.
It penetrates 3 times deeper into our skin, it’s a lot more controlled & focused heat than any other mono-polar or bipolar RF.
Okay, just a quick breakdown:
- RF has positive and negative poles, that always follow the path of least resistance; all that it wants to do is close the current.
- When positive & negative currents flow up & down, they create friction producing heat.
- This controlled heat is what we are looking to produce in the skin.
- If we have a temperature of 40degrees on the epidermis, we have a temperature of about 50 degrees in the dermis and that’s the active part of the skin where all the collagen and elastin degenerate.
- When we reach the right temperature over a specific amount of time, we cause fibroblast activity.
- Instant – shrinking of collagen fibres.
- Long-term stimulating new collagen fibres.
More about the treatment
- Combines skin tightening & FSR procedures in a single treatment. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
- iFine applicator is for tightening & contouring & FSR applicator is for resurfacing & deep volume metric heating.
- A course of 4 treatments, 4 weeks apart depending on the client’s concern & condition of the skin.
- Short steps: 1. contouring & lifting with the IFine 2. Numbing for 30min 3. Resurfacing with FSR.
- Ideal for patients with less severe/early photo-ageing damage or those who want to avoid or are not suitable for surgery.
Significant improvements can be made to both the delicate under-eye area and the upper eyelid, giving a lifting and tightening effect that previously, could only be achieved with surgery.
Number of treatments needed
The Endybleph is becoming the number one, favourite non-surgical solution for improving lines and wrinkles, tightening the under-eye area and elevating the brow, by stimulating new collagen and helping to reverse the signs of ageing. A course of 4 treatments is recommended, one treatment a month, over a 4-month period. The treatment is comfortable and offers minimal downtime.
Patient Comfort
Completely safe and comfortable treatments with clinically proven consistent results suitable for all skin types with very little downtime.
Personalized Treatments
Real-time skin impedance monitoring provides optimal energy delivery to the treatment target area by making continuous adjustments based on tissue impedance for a truly personalized treatment experience.
Not everyone can do the treatment due to certain contra-indications to remember:
- Subjects with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators, arrhythmias, or any other known heart disorders
- Subjects with any implantable metal device in the treatment area
- Subjects on any medication that would affect the characteristics of the skin (medical or hormonal), such as Accutane within the past month
- Subjects who have any form of suspicious lesion on the treatment area.
- Pregnant or lactating subjects
- Subjects with any cutaneous inflammation or skin disease in the treatment area
Find out more about getting ENDYMED in your practice or to find a provider near you
Radiant Healthcare is proud to be the sole distributor for the Endymed range in South Africa as well as Sub Sahara.
Website: www.radianthealth.co.za
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RadiantHealthcare
Instagram: www.instagram.com/radianthealthza
Phone: 011 794 8253/1 or 082 306 5138
Email: sales@radianthealth.co.za
Rochelle is the founder and driving force behind Aesthetic Appointment. With a passion for the aesthetics and pro-ageing industry in South Africa, she has been in the aesthetic publishing industry since 2012, dedicated to creating a valuable platform for insights and knowledge, bridging the gap between patients and doctors - delivering reliable, medical-based information. Rochelle firmly believes in the power of a good skincare regimen, especially when started at home, and is committed to educating consumers about the myriad of treatments, procedures, and products available to them.